Saturday, October 11, 2014

Back Acting?

What is Back Acting?  Well, in film/television it is acting when your back is facing the camera.  It is an over the shoulder shot, and it's over your shoulder.
We really don't put much attention to this style of acting.  But it is very important to know that it is important.  What is your back saying, what are you thinking, are you in the moment? Or are you making funny faces to your scene partner while he/she is trying to cry on camera.  Or are you just delivering your lines because now it doesn't matter how you say them since you are "Back Acting".  

Back Acting on stage is, yet the same premise as the one we just spoke of, but it goes one step further. You are saying your lines, you start to walk around the stage, and somehow you finish delivering the lines to the wall.  You have forgotten about the audience. 

In both scenarios it's important to be aware of what you are doing. So you can make the decision a right decision to make you a better actor.   Either you'll continue making faces or you'll decide to deliver your lines convincingly and help your scene partner get to that emotional peak.  

On stage, it's good to be aware you are Back Acting and when.  Are you Back Acting when a scene is too emotional for you, are you feeling uncomfortable, what is going on in that moment that is making you turn away from the audience?  Know that when you want to turn away is exactly the moment you should look directly out to them.  


Friday, October 10, 2014


Understanding your “TYPE.” 
     Its a little awkward standing in front of your peers hearing that your essence ranges from cop to tattoo artist.  I didn’t agree simply because in reality I would never, ever be a tattoo artist.  In reality the thought of putting a needle in someone’s body just makes me a little queasy.  So, how could I have that essence? Luckily I was told, that if I didn’t like what I had heard, I could change it.  But, here in lies the question.   Would embracing my type lead me to success?    Well, like a good student.  I started to research and I asked teachers, directors, my agent, my manager, casting directors, read multiple articles on backstage west, casting frontier and finally the conclusion is; there is no conclusion.  No sure path that leads to success.  What has worked for one actor has not necessarily worked for another. 
     However it is important that your agent and manager and you have the same vision/goals.  And really why was I having such a problem playing that darn tattoo artist?  If someone sees me as such and I get cast, than TYPE CAST,  YES PLEASE!  
     I’ll play a tattoo artist, heck I’ll play that hooker with the heart of gold, I’ll even play the mom that has lost that child for the fourteenth time.  At the end of the day I’ll play whatever you want me to play, I’m a trained actor.   

Constant Rejection Blues

     I pride myself on being a positive person.  I take on challenges and find solutions to problems.  But I have to tell you it's not easy being an actor.  The dream, passion, craft, acting, it challenges you in every way.  It will challenge you financially,  physically, mentally and it will all funnel into an emotional challenge.
     And sometimes yes, sometimes I even get the blues, the Constant Rejection Blues.  When I get into this rut, its hard to get out of it.  I don't even know I'm in it until I notice the candy wrappers and fatty foods I've inhaled.  By this point I'm feeling pukey sick and I'm finally sick of feeling blue about not getting that national KFC commercial, that is now playing on TV. Turn it off and get active.
     I think its healthy to feel these feelings, acknowledge them and get out of them as soon as you can.  Because when I've purged myself out of these toxic feelings I come up with creative ways to keep me happy, like starting this blog for instance. When I'm back to ME, I am ready once again to take the challenge and do it all over again.

#lovebeinganactor @cadena3