Sunday, February 28, 2016

I'm proud of myself today for listing to my instincts and sticking with them.

If you remember my last blog, we talked about not "under estimating the room".  Well, kids, I just have to say and I actually listened to myself.  I for some reason felt nervous today and I spent most of the day "taking inventory" to relax, going over my monologue so I wouldn't take it for granted.  And let me tell you it paid off.  I even had a cold and I rocked it.  So I'm proud of myself today for listing to my instincts and sticking with them.

Even though there were distractions along the way.  In the morning the 5 was closed, when I take the 5 to Santa Ana, where I had my performance.  So I had to pay attention to the road to see the other route option and I made it on time.  This sort of traffic thing would of freaked me out normally.  Raising my signals in frantic mode.  This time it did not.  And by the time I got to the theatre my cold was getting progressively worse.  As we speak I am sipping on some Theraflu, prescribed by my personal doctor.

But I had to write about it. I had to tell you my success and hope that you listen to my advice you don't have to use it. But just in case some day you need it, it has been stored in your memory banks.

I'm going to finish this short blog so I can rest for tomorrow, when I have to do it all over again.

Love Hollywood,


Monday, February 22, 2016

Don't Under Estimate The Room

It's all about the room, the audition room.  You have to learn the audition room quickly.  What kind of mood it is in. And to adjust accordingly.  It will just help with the performance.

Today I went in with a real attitude and comfort in my ability to convey the message.  It was dress rehearsal for one of my next performances.   I sat there waiting for my turn to go up.  I was confident
I wouldn't need any kind of relaxation exercise before I went up.  I casually sat there, listening to the
entire play.  Of course you have to be familiar with the play.  But I've done the play before.  I let my confidence skip over my preparation.  So when it came down to performing I realized I was a little nervous and somewhat unprepared.

Overall I was not entirely happy with my performance.  There were a few things that I did enjoy, some moment to moment work.  Of course my body movement was organic. I wasn't connected completely.

Just because it was something I had done before I didn't prepare as well as I should have.  And this is not an attitude that I need to have.  I need to change that attitude.  I need to be practicing constantly and prepare myself as much as possible.

Regardless of what the stage, what the project, what the audition may be, prepare the same as if it was Carnegie Hall.  At the end of the day it is my name I endorse.

Don't under estimate the room!

visit my website:

Monday, February 15, 2016

Things Get Emotional Sometimes

Things get emotional sometimes, especially when your emotions are open as they are when you are
an artist. And they become overwhelming.  This just happened to me.

This past month I've been reminded of how fragile life is.  How someone can be here with us in this world and gone to the next.  Elba Berruz passed this month, a political leader for the Ecuadorian community.  I had the great opportunity to meet her and work with her and get to know her.  This loss opened old wounds, my Mother's death which tears me up, my Grandma's death.

I didn't want to do very much.  I stayed indoors for a couple of days, my dog was great motivation to get up.  That is what I do when things get a little emotional sometimes.  Today during the Grammy's broadcast a tribute to Glen Frey, from the Eagles, was performed.  They played, Take It Easy the first song I learned to play on Guitar.  Paul Mayer had passed last year, my great friend and awesome guitar teacher came to mind. He taught me to play guitar and he made it fun.

I remember all 30 some folks in class playing our guitars and singing simultaneously.  It was so fun. I still have some good friends from that class.

I realize life is precious.  And I ask myself, am I living?  or, Am I just looking at other people live their lives.



Thursday, February 11, 2016

Our Mother's Daughters - Stage Reading

Wednesday, February 10, 2016 at 7:30 p.m.,I really enjoyed myself at last night's stage reading of "Our Mother's Daughter" at the Moments Playhouse 665 Heliotrope Drive, LA, CA 90004). A story about women living on skid row.  

I played, Kelly, it was a different role for me that the more dramatic roles I'm used to.  It gave me the lines to be funny, and have fun.  And at the same time deliver a good message. I pushed myself to be out there and thought perhaps I was a little bit over the top.  I am now listening to the audio, I don't sound over the top at all. 

I'm happy with how I performed and I realize that I am a natural
for comedy.  LOL

This week's message is : Enjoy every performance you do, push yourself and go to rehearsals, classes and have fun above all. 

Stay Happy, 


Monday, February 8, 2016

"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." - Winston Churchill

I am not really good at catchy phrases in knowing them or understanding what they mean.  Until I really discovered I knew exactly what ""Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." - Winston Churchill" meant.
And I knew how this very appropriate phrase fit with my situation.

I had been feeling a little bit overwhelmed recently and I was not attending my acting class I needed a break.  I felt like I needed more time to rest and the one thing I could lean back on was "acting class."  My acting teacher was not very happy with this and he told me as he addressed the class, that really if I was doing what I loved I wouldn't be feeling overwhelmed or tired, what I should be feeling is the love for having the opportunity to get up and practice what I say I want to do.

So, after thinking about this.  He is absolutely right.

Today being a new day and after last night's epiphany, I approached rehearsal with love and appreciation.

I can tell you, I didn't love the traffic, or the long distance drive.

What I appreciated was that time I spent on my feet. I get to play.

Approach whatever it is you decide is your passion with joy.  Don't let the stress around you take the love away from it.



Saturday, February 6, 2016

SuperBowl Sunday!

by JC

Superbowl day and lots of people are excited.  But I don't really care.
I don't even know who is playing or what time it's all going on.

I'm not that impressive knowledgable lady fan who can talk the talk with the rest of the guys.

I have never been that girl and I've stopped trying.  But good for the girlies who have it in them to pay attention to a pigskin ball for like what it seems like 10 hours.  The game: a pigskins stuffed oval shape football tossed from one side of the field to the other.  Men get injured. and we cheer that they are tackled to the ground, over and over and over again until they reach the other side.

What I do know; I once saw a documentary on how these same celebrated athletes after their career where left with very serious HEALTH issues.

I'm not completely out of the celebration however. Honestly, I'm celebrating the real reason this un-official holiday was made up. To eat, and binge on our favorite foods and snacks.

Yeah, America!, we can get fat and get heart disease together (1 in 3 women will suffer from Heart Disease).  So just like all my fellow Americans I'm making sure I'm eating all my favorite foods.  Yes sir, I'm binge-ing.  After I'll indulge myself by laying down probably watching a movie on Netflix on my iPad, while everyone around me is rooting for their favorite team.  Of course I'll pause just in time to watch the half time show to join the country in "The Star Spangled Banner".
Lets Binge America.  Happy SuperBowl Sunday!

#netflix #superbowlSunday #cadena3