If you are one of those people that never cries, am talking to you. Cry, please cry.
So many of us have had some really difficult life experiences. We have cried so much that now, a wall has gone up.
This wall of toughness, of pushing that feeling out and replacing it with something else may work perhaps. I'm here to tell you to stop it. It often helps to experience your feelings even if it is a feeling of sadness or helplessness. For me, I had pushed all emotion aside to the point where I did not even know what I was feeling. I chose to go to therapy for five years to understand and bounce off the emotions I was feeling. I didn't even know I was angry.
I am not suggesting you have a mental break down at work or at a networking event. But definitely
don't wait till you've been at a party and you have had a few too many and out come the flood gates. If you catch yourself getting to that place, I suggest excusing yourself and heading home.
don't wait till you've been at a party and you have had a few too many and out come the flood gates. If you catch yourself getting to that place, I suggest excusing yourself and heading home.
Take the time to sit on the couch and acknowledge what you are experiencing, feel the moment. Feel whatever you are feeling right then and there. If it's anger, then acknowledge it. If it's sadness and you need to cry, cry. If it's embarrassment, then sit with that feeling and let your body succumb to it. If you can't figure out what it is, perhaps that moment of confusion is just a moment that will soon pass. And once you've allowed yourself to let the moment pass, you have purged yourself from toxins in your body in a healthy way. In a kind way.
Feelings don't always have to be "down" feelings. Make sure you also celebrate the moments that are happy.
As a creative, it is a healthier way to live with so many emotions in us.
As a creative, it is a healthier way to live with so many emotions in us.
Allow, Accept and Include, are the words I have in my mind all the time. Allow, accept and include. allow, accept and include......
jc cadena