Sunday, February 1, 2015

To My Ladies on Superbowl Sunday

Shout Out to my ladies who don't know anything about Superbowl Sunday. Just like me!

Superbowl day and lots of people are excited.  But I don't really care.
I don't even know who is playing or what time it's going on.

I'm not that impressive knowledgable lady fan who can talk the talk with the rest of the guys.

I have never been that girl and I've stopped trying.  But good for the girlies who have it in them to pay attention (to those long what is it 10 hours) to a pigskin ball.  The game: a football tossed from one side of the field to the other.
Men get injured; NO HEALTHCARE is set up for these athletes for their health issues during their career, or their families.

What I do know; I have an audition at 10 on one side of town and a show at Noon in Hollywood.  You could say I'm playing my own kind of football, I guess.  If you get the analogy.

Honestly, I'm celebrating the real reason this un-official holiday was made up. To eat, and binge on our favorite foods and snacks.

Yeah, America!, we can get fat and get heart disease together (1 in 3 women will suffer from Heart Disease).  So just like all my fellow Americans I'm making sure I'm eating all my favorite foods.  Yes sir, I'm binge-ing.  Next I'll be sitting or laying down probably watching a movie on Netflix on my iPad, while everyone around me is rooting for their favorite team.  Of course I'll pause just in
time to watch the half time show.  But really why wasn't #Beyonce back this year.

Shout out to my girls on this Sunday.  Heed my words, this too shall pass.

#netflix #superbowlSunday #cadena3

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