Sunday, November 8, 2015

Always Look Your Best

I disliked so much when I was at a dinner party and as part of the conversation it is revealed  that I am an actress.  Automatically, people are like "Act".  Or if I they find out I sing, they are like "SING."  Right then and there they want me to bust out in song and dance like if I was a toy.  I was insulted.  I was also very timid.  I was raised very humble and showing off was not part of my up bringing.

Today, it's a different story,  I find joy when people ask me this. And at the drop of a dime, if someone asks me to sing, I will sing.  If someone asks me to Act, I will recite the monologue that comes to mind. I am no longer shy about my talent.  In fact I look forward to the opportunity.

I have found as an actor you always have to be ready.  You always have to be in an attitude of success yet approachable.  You don't know who is watching or who knows who. Or when the opportunity will appear.

Two weeks ago I was invited to an event.  I thought I would show up, say hello to the people that needed to see me. And I would quickly exit. I would stay there one hour tops.  When I arrived I was met with an opportunity I couldn't refuse. I was asked to cohost the event.  Get on stage and do what I do best, be me.  Luckily I looked great and I felt confident enough.  I was ready. The evening was a success.

Later the individual who asked me to cohost let me know.  The reason he asked me to co-host was because I looked really good and he could not let that go to waste.

Let me tell you I was happy regardless of the reason.  It gave me an opportunity to get in front of head of studios and my peers.  I was ready.  I was dressed and all I needed was the opportunity.

So my friends, always looks your best.  Always have a magic trick ready to go.  I will pay off I guarantee.

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