Wednesday, May 13, 2015


I am one of the luckiest girls I know.  I can't tell you how my day is filled with joy and exciting times.
If you are just reading this blog today, Adventures in Actor Land is about my life and what I am passionate about, Acting.  My day begins with happiness and throughout my day the butterflies fill my ears with good and happy thoughts.  I am a playful and most of the time a happy person.  I am creative so I make up stories and I like to talk, communicate, express myself.  I am of course dramatic because, HELLO, I am an actress.  So drama comes along with me.  If you are up for that you are in the right place.

I like to share my experiences in hopes that whatever creative endeavor you are pursuing you will reach, and perhaps I can share an experience along the way that will help you, WIN!.  And I do encourage you to follow your dreams.  I am.

I am surrounded by beautiful people who support and encourage me.  Which means a lot to me.  Its been hard to acknowledge I am a creative being.  Finally realizing that I am creative,  is scary but rewarding.

I require lots of sleep and time to think.  I like to think a lot.  My brain races a million times a minute, or at least very very very fast.

I am in a play called Clase A Medias at the Frida Khalo Theatre in Los Angeles.  You are invited, art trancends all language barrier.

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