Thursday, January 21, 2016

Work on Your Dream a Little Every Day

I'm so blessed.
It's been a real busy January thus far.  I have been performing in the following projects:
On the Set of Swing State with Actor Alex Beh.

*"Sabado Mornings" - > stage reading -> 4 week run play, March- April;
*The 1st 24 Hour Theatre Project (which I Directed);
*I played a waitress in a movie titled "Swing State";
*I turned in the first draft of the horror movie that I am writing -> new draft due February 15th, 2016;
*"If the SHU Fits" -> stage reading;
*The movie "Past Due" -> Cast as Bienvenida -> March- April shooting schedule.

I've done all of those things and we are only 3 weeks into the new year.
I am so blessed.  All these opportunities give me a chance to work on my craft and to get better at it.

One of the things I am working on for 2016, is to listen to direction and to listen to criticism openly.  It's been a really interesting self awareness time for me thus far.  And you know, I like listening.  I like feeling confidence in who I am, who I'm working with, and what I feel.  Honestly, I don't know where that is coming from but it sure feels right. 

Anyway, keep working on YOUR dream everyday. Don't let things get in the way.

Often I find myself letting other things take me in many directions. So I have put reminders around myself not to allow any forgetting of my dream. One of these reminders is a special cup of mine that reads "ACE ACTOR".  I have also programmed Siri to remind me everyday.  When asked my profession, I always refer to myself as an actress, and the first think I do every morning is an actor related task.

I'm here to tell you, whatever YOUR dream is, work at it daily.  Make a point of it.  Direct your thoughts toward it.  Trust yourself, the process will get easier after a while and projects will be coming your way.


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