Monday, December 28, 2015

LOVE Now or Never

This is my last blog for the year, I want to say thank you for reading my blog.  And taking the time to get to know me better.  I will be sharing with you my year in a few scattered words. My hope is that after I've shared you will share your year with me.

     I have learned so much this past year.  I've made what I believe are smart choices with my career.  I've learned to follow my instincts.

I've met new people.  I've strengthened my friendships. Some friendships have taken a few steps back.  I hope they will come back at some point soon, down the road.

My beliefs have gotten stronger.  I know what I stand for now: animals, natural beauty, inner beauty and passion.  Is there anything else?

I have conquered some of my fears.  I have found courage to stand up to them.

I find intriguing that the things I've revisited take a different meaning now.  I understand lots of things much differently, better.

I've learned to pay attention to "thoughts", they have so much power over our lives.  We indeed build what we think.

As an actor it is a different story to come from a happy place in order to share, than from a place of hurt. I am not using my emotions to be the character. I am borrowing those emotions and not reliving a dreadful experience.  I'm more in the moment.

My wish for you in the new year is to LOVE, now, today, not tomorrow.

Remember to share in the comment section below.



Saturday, December 12, 2015

The "C" Words; Choice & Commitment

I had the great pleasure to perform a stage reading for "Sabado Mornings," written by George Corbin & Directed by Melvin Ishamel Johnson, developed at the Robey Playwrights Workshop.  The performance was on December 11th, 2015, at the Moments Theatre in Los Angeles at 7 pm.  In this two character play I was one of the leads.  I couldn't have asked for anything better.  

A Stage Reading is done when the production team, in this case the writer and director, take time to get feedback for their work.  They get actors to read the play to audience members and ask for feedback on what works and what doesn't. 

With "Sabado Mornings" there was one rehearsal which included the Writer and Director.  They went over stage cues and the rest was left up to the actors.  I needed to make CHOICES.  

What are CHOICES: As an actor you must make choices.  These choices have to make sense.  They can be bold, but must pertain to the plot of the play.  For example, for the character of Rosa, I made the choice that she would speak with a Mexican accent because throughout the play the playwright sprinkled in Spanish words.  I gave Rosa a big personality.  She needed to have it to keep the dialogue flowing.  She was a talker, inquisitive. She asked a lot of questions.  I gave her some childlike traits. She laughed a lot and wore her heart on her sleeve. 

Choices once made have to have your COMMITMENT.  You must commit to your choices and believe in them so that your audience will believe in them too.  If at any point you are hazy about your choices, the audience will feel your uncertainty.  

The reading followed with an open discussion.   

The audience was asked for their opinion about the play.  A lady in the audience commented that my character seemed "too young" to be partnered with Eddie the male lead because he was a 50 year old man who  ends up having a love affair with Rosa.  She mentioned that perhaps the role of Rosa needed to be recast with an older woman.   She felt that Rosa seemed too young to have this type of love affair.  

The moderator then asked the actors about their opinions.  I mentioned I enjoyed the play enough to follow it all the way to the end because the characters were so interesting, they weren't boring.  But I did feel I had to address the topic brought up by the audience member.  It was a valid point.  The role did describe Rosa as 45 years old.  And I am a bit younger.  I was quite aware of this issue.  But I had made my choice to commit.  I only had one week, one rehearsal.   I needed to carry the beat of the play, keep it up, keep people from getting bored.   I chose to make her youthful because she had to show passion and excitement for the little things.  Rosa was also very happy to talk to anyone that will listen to her long enough.    

I felt my choices were valid, they were based on fact.  I stuck with them and I was happy with my performance.  Of course, there is always room for improvement.  I felt perhaps the lady in the audience was focusing on my age instead of my performance which might mean that as an actor I wasn't doing my job.  My goal is always to have everyone in their seats relating to my character and listen to what my character has to say.  

What have we learned today?  
An actor must make choices and commit to them.  And, there is always room for improvement.  

I welcome any questions you may have. 


Saturday, November 21, 2015

Life & Happiness: You Have to Work At It Everyday

Life: You Have to Work At It Everyday

Happiness, it is something that doesn't come easily.  Some of us have to work at it everyday.

We have to make ourselves smile now and then. Not because of some "condition" but because life has its ups and its downs.  (which is something we all must accept).  There'll be some good times and some bad times.  Life, like everything else has its evolution, life and death.  

With everything that is happening in the world today, we still have to smile everyday.  We have to keep a "level head".  I'm not saying to deny all your bad moments.  No.  It is very important to acknowledge moments of sadness. We are all made of flesh and blood and we do bleed.

But, once you've acknowledged your sad moments and let out those emotions -you've cried or hugged it out, or whatever your thing is.  Mine is; I become a recluse, I stay in, and analyze.

Anyway, back to the subject at hand, Life/Happiness. We have to bring forth a smile until we believe we are happy and we begin to feel we are happy and then we can love instead of hate.

Even through the rough times we may have, Smile, Hug, Love.  That is how we heal. ..
So start working at it everyday.   jc

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Always Look Your Best

I disliked so much when I was at a dinner party and as part of the conversation it is revealed  that I am an actress.  Automatically, people are like "Act".  Or if I they find out I sing, they are like "SING."  Right then and there they want me to bust out in song and dance like if I was a toy.  I was insulted.  I was also very timid.  I was raised very humble and showing off was not part of my up bringing.

Today, it's a different story,  I find joy when people ask me this. And at the drop of a dime, if someone asks me to sing, I will sing.  If someone asks me to Act, I will recite the monologue that comes to mind. I am no longer shy about my talent.  In fact I look forward to the opportunity.

I have found as an actor you always have to be ready.  You always have to be in an attitude of success yet approachable.  You don't know who is watching or who knows who. Or when the opportunity will appear.

Two weeks ago I was invited to an event.  I thought I would show up, say hello to the people that needed to see me. And I would quickly exit. I would stay there one hour tops.  When I arrived I was met with an opportunity I couldn't refuse. I was asked to cohost the event.  Get on stage and do what I do best, be me.  Luckily I looked great and I felt confident enough.  I was ready. The evening was a success.

Later the individual who asked me to cohost let me know.  The reason he asked me to co-host was because I looked really good and he could not let that go to waste.

Let me tell you I was happy regardless of the reason.  It gave me an opportunity to get in front of head of studios and my peers.  I was ready.  I was dressed and all I needed was the opportunity.

So my friends, always looks your best.  Always have a magic trick ready to go.  I will pay off I guarantee.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Work Smarter Not Harder!

In my blog dated August, 21st,  I talk about applying a new strategy to work.  Of course I'm particularly speaking about Acting.  But, honestly, my advice can be applied to any career.

You can't just let your agent do all the work.  As an actor you need to get out there and find work and meet people.  Most Actors first begin to submit on casting sites; Actors Access, LA Casting, Frontier, Backstage,  The People Network.  That is what I was doing, submitting day in and day out to these casting sites.  It took time and the return was minimal.

 My New Strategy is to meet with Casting Directors and attend their workshops.  Along the way I've been privileged to meet also Writers and Producers.  Thus far I've submitted my first script to a well known  production company (I'll go in detail on another blog),  and I'll be shooting an episode for the web series, "Love and Consequences".  Today I followed through with writing a letter recommended to me, to the head of a production company in New York.  We share the same passion in that we enjoy working in both film and theatre and I look forward to working with them.  I'm happy to share with you that I've also  just received a recognition of my talents from City of Los Angeles and a commendation from La Comision de Fiestas Patrias Ecuatorianas. For my contribution during the Ecuadorian Festival.

Thus far my strategy is working, though it's still in its early stages.

Now it's your turn.  Try implementing a new strategy toward your goals.  You will know that it's working when you start experiencing results.

You are always welcome to share with me your strategy!



Monday, October 26, 2015

Can Visualization help with Stage Fright?

Ever since I can remember I sang.  I was in singing competitions.  I was in choir through elementary and high school.  I also was in the madrigals group.  I started a 4 girl harmony group.  We were asked to perform in my high school and host events.

In between high school and moving to LA, I had a debilitating experience.  I didn't win a contest I thought I was sure to win.  To you it may seem trivial but to me it was the end of the world.

I went from feeling at home on stage to having stage fright.  I stopped singing completely.  All of a sudden the thought of being on stage scared me to death. I went through this period in my life not knowing if I would ever get over it.  I stopped performing all together.

When I moved to LA, being around so much art and music, I got the performing bug again.  I didn't have a lot of money so I couldn't pay an expert to fix my stage fright.   I didn't know how I would be able to conquer this great fear.

What helped me was visualization. I must have read it somewhere, I can't remember now.

I would visualize myself walking through an imaginary door and magically it would sprinkle star dust on my head as I walked through that door. When I was on stage I would visualize feeling confident and at home.  I did this over and over. I would do it before I went to bed so I would keep this image in my subconscious.  I would fall asleep to this image.  As I'm describing it to you, I see it in my head and it creates a happy feeling in me still today.

Visualization is a great way to get you through fears, especially stage fright. Do it when you have no distractions.  Extracting myself from the state of fear to visualizing an image of power and success has been a great tool for me.  Your visualization doesn't have to be like mine.  You can imagine an experience specifically to your needs.

Now, there is another important tool that goes along with visualization.  You have to push yourself to be on stage. Look for opportunities that will put you where you want to be.  This is the only way to see that it works.

I still visualize today to reach bigger goals, bigger awards.

If you have any questions I invite you to send me a message.

Happy Visualizing.


Thursday, October 8, 2015

Working on My Vacation

If you have been following my adventures you know I was planning to take a vacation.
There was some question about when I would be able to do it.  It so happens my sister asked me to
come visit her the last week of September.  I did. This was perfect timing.

 I wasn't booking.  I needed to think about my new strategy.  I needed a little bit of a break.

I was raised in Virginia so I went home for vacation.  I spent time with family.  The entire week
I was there, it rained.  Except for the last two days of my stay.  I really wanted to take a look
at the Washington Monument, but the rain kept me in to remote areas.  I spent some quality time
with my niece, got into some arts and crafts stuff.

In acting before you go on vacation.  You must tell your Agent your "Book Out Dates", meaning the
dates you will be out of town.  When you tell him this he won't submit you for jobs during the time you are gone.  It's important to communicate with your agent so he doesn't book you on something big and you are not around. When submitting to casting sites pay attention to the audition date and shoot date. This way you are not submitting on dates you are not available.   I eased up a bit on the casting sites; Frontier, Actors Access, LA Casting.

Before I left I attended a reading group.  A reading group is when  actors get together and read a play, in oder to practice and stay current with playwrights.  It was really fun.  I hope to work with these folks again.

What I'm trying to tell you is.  That being is an artist takes effort.  As an Artist that is your business.  Owning your own business takes a lot of effort even when you are on vacation.  On my vacation  I couldn't stop all together.  I took this time to reach out to some influential people in the industry and ask them to remember me.  I want to work.  I want to be the greatest ever.
Good Luck on your journey.

A big prayer to all those folks at the Bahamas after hurricane Juanquin.  Prayers and well wishes go out to you.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Horror Films are One of my Favorite Things

We are talking about FAVORITES today.

I don't know where my love for horror films comes from.  Ever since I can remember I read the genre and watched it.  You might already know I've already written one myself.  It's more of a Zombie/ Love /High School story.

ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS to do is watch horror movies at home any night of the week.  I find them very entertaining.  As we speak I'm watching the cult film, Gremlins.  It has everything one needs for a "kick ass scary movie".  The hero is this handsome brown haired, fair skinned male.  He is of course relatable.  You want him to win.  There is love interest.  A brunette, fair skin, angelic type female.

The script is amazing.  I mean of course it is a scary movie, so half the movie is action, blood, gore, monsters.  In this case the monsters are called, Gremlins.  They are cute and cuddly.  Until you -: feed them after midnight; shine bright lights on them that can kill them; whatever you do don't get them wet.  SPOILER: If you do, they multiply and turn into Creepy Party Gremlins.  They'll party at a local bar, kill the occasional neighbor and destroy the neighborhood.

Anyway,  I've told you about my favorite thing to do. Now it's your turn to share.
What is your favorite thing to do?  Or what is your favorite movie genre?

Now ... go watch a scary movie.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

no throw-up please!

I enjoy a good gory movie.  One of my favorites is the EVIL DEAD series.  I was a huge fan of Stephen King.  I even wrote a campy horror movie myself.

Throw-Up in Movies, this I can' stand.

 I don't understand why I need to see someone throw up on film.  I mean please - can't the director ask the DP to cut or pan right or left or,  perhaps cut to a long-shot of the back of the neck without showing the actual throw up.  It makes me sick.  I have to look away, I really do look away.  It makes  me want to go to the bathroom to upchuck, talk on the big white phone.

So please director or wannabe director, or producer, don't show me throw- up shots.  Make it creative. Cut up some arms and legs, or heads. Slice some body parts, but whatever you do, no throw-up please.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

I'm like one of those Disney Princesses

If I had to describe myself to you, I would say I'm like one of those Disney Princesses.
Confortable in my own skin, alive in my own world, friendly with animals.  I love to meet people. I believe in people. And I'm a little bit naive.

I take people for who they say they are.  I believe what they say.  I don't have any reason to believe someone would want to lie to me.  Or do me harm.  Or not pay me equally like others.  I'm very open and accepting of people.  That is how I see Disney Princesses, that is how I see myself.

It's difficult being that Disney Princess sometimes, because I find no one else lives in this world but me.   I am who I say I am.  You can see happy in my face and you can see sadness in my face.

I sometimes come off blunt and awkward because I'm direct.  Sometimes I lack common sense and sometimes I'm bit clumsy.  But I like this about me.  It makes me honest.   I think it's part of my charm.

So when I find someone is not who they say they are, I can't believe it.  I give them time to prove themselves wrong. And I block all the clues that tell me otherwise.  When I wake up from that deep slumber, it's very disappointing.  When I find someone doesn't mean what they say, it breaks my heart.  And I cry and try to make sense of it all.

I wish I weren't this naive princess.  Sometimes I wish I were tough and bitchy.  That way people will stop treating me like they can take advantage of me.

But then I realize that I can't fight who I am.  I love who I am.  I am real.  This realization makes me strong and encourages me to push through all that difficult fight and make a spot for me.  And for other Princesses like me.  

Sunday, September 13, 2015

That Magic Moment

I often feel I live in a movie expecting a movie ending.

I am the hero of the story fighting my way through obstacles and waiting for that pinnacle or that big dramatic winning moment.  Perhaps it's a romantic comedy and that climax is finding the relationship I've always wanted.  Perhaps it's the job of a lifetime and at the end my prince is waiting for me with
a bouquet of roses after I've conquered the hardest almost impossible feat. And at the end of it all I see him.  I smile and run to his arms. I worried he had left me since I had a reputation of being a hard to get girl.  He is the only one that gets me.   He finds he can't live without me. We embrace and kiss while soft romantic music plays in the background. The camera spins around 360 style capturing that last moment.

It's not over yet. The rain starts to fall softly on our faces.  Our wet clothes makes us look sexier than we were originally and we run into my awesome apartment where with one last kiss we close the door, giving the illusion we closed the door to make passionate love.

When I come down to earth, I realize life is not like that.  There is no pinnacle, no happy ending, no living happily ever after.  Everyday it's a mix of all of these factors.  The hero wins, the hero gets lost, the hero conquers her own doubts, the hero wins, the hero loses.  The hero just lives.

There is no ONE magic moment to wait for.

Sorry to bust your bubble.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Sometimes You Just Have to Go Through It!

I’m sitting home today, playing hooky from work.  Sometimes it feels nice to do nothing than lay around on my couch.  My head spins and spins asking myself if I should call someone, to do something, just to ask if there is something to do. Maybe I should call my neighbor and go to the pool. But all the hours of thinking if I should, I don’t. 

I turn on the telly and I binge watch all the movies that seem somewhat interesting.  I entertain the thought perhaps I’ve become a recluse, instead of the social butterfly I was not too long ago.  (And that is why I left my previous day-job because everyone required me to be outgoing and I didn’t want to.  It was too much for me. )

I chose another path, I chose to go to school and leave all the stability behind.  Some of my friends are now making $6500 and up income a month.  I’m making a small percentage in comparison.  It does sometimes bother me and it makes me wonder. 

I spent yesterday sleeping all day long and binge watched. Thank you Netflix. One day soon we will work on a project together. 

Today I’m basically doing the same.   I did manage to go out and meet a friend for lunch.  I bought my favorite desert.  Afterwards I thought about calling another friend, but I didn’t.  I drove straight home.  I used the "heat" as an excuse.  "It’s too hot to be out there driving in this heat," I excused myself. 

What is really keeping me in? Am I afraid to put myself out there, to take a chance in friendships? Maybe I’m afraid of getting hurt.

Acting is about that, putting yourself out there, every single day.  Stepping over, around, jumping, rolling however you need to get to the other side.  Being afraid to fail and still continue regardless of that fear.  You see a light at the end of the tunnel, just barely barely dimmed.  But the Actor continues, tenacity is what it requires daily. Finally, not really but probably, Dicipline.  

And sometimes a little pampering and laying around the house is just what one needs.  Perhaps I don’t need to question what I’m going through or poop on it.  I just have to go though it. Forgive myself for needing to rest.  Enjoy it, replenish my energy so I can do it again.  ACT. , jump over my fears.  

Or didn't you know I was an actress!

Monday, September 7, 2015

What is the meaning of Life?

While everyone is partying I'm probably home doing the opposite.

I haven't been a social butterfly lately.  I have been taking the last few days to just rest, stay at home, not drive, finish my website.  Which I did by the way, finish my new website. Check it out  Sign up for my blog.

I see pictures on instagram of everyone partying and having fun. And then I look at myself, I'm home cooking and
watching movies, and spending time with my dog. I'm focusing on myself.  Thinking about what I've done, what
I'm doing,  and what I am going to do.

During my cooking interim my phone hasn't rung very much for sure.

I can count the people that called me on one hand.
I ponder,  if this person I've become - the loner - is pushing me away from making friends, lasting relationships, life.

No, it's not.  I'm ok if I only have a few people in my life that truly care about me.  And I care back about them just as much.  So I am ok on that point.

What I'm not ok with is, if the loner in me, this recluse, impedes my experiencing life.  Whatever "life" is.

Now you're asking yourself, "hey JC, you promised to have the answer to that question "What is the meaning of life?  To that I answer: "I must look inside myself to find the answer."

After many years of thought I feel I found the meaning of life.  I found, life is just that, the moments you enjoy.  Stop and focus on where you are right now and appreciate the moment and every moment that follows.  Life is a part of my loneliness, and my sometimes being a recluse.

I am focusing on appreciating all my feelings,  loving them and cherishing them.

A memory, a moment that is the meaning of Life!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Love & Consequences - A Web

I am always impressed by this next article highlighting actor/director/writer, Odell Ruffin.  I met Odell at the Robey Theater.  We were both acting in La Lotteria. Odell asked me to read for a stage reading he had written, Faces, a breast cancer series.  The next project was titled IN-DICT-MENT a Mike Brown Project.  If you haven't been spotting it by now, Odell Ruffin is an advocate.  His belief is education through entertainment.

Ruffin has yet again written a wonderful new project, shooting in September, titled Love & Consequence.  The web series is based on real life experiences.  "The past affects the future.  My experiences throughout my life, are the scars, the foundation where Love & Consequences is built on, " Ruffin smiles.  The series takes these characters through their own challenges: violence, addiction, loss. "People will be able to engage in conversation after an episode," Ruffin states.

The adventure on this project has been capturing both sides of love and trying successfully to put that in a format. As always Ruffin feels casting is key.  For Love and Consequences, finding lead characters was not done traditionally. Casting consisted of an audition and a sit down interview that would finally decide the role.

Ruffin is acting in the film, which will be his next adventure.  Having the vision for the project and able to be on camera will be a discovery.

All the elements are there for an attention getting series.  Congratulations Odell Ruffin, can't wait to see the final product.   Which by the way will be featuring me, JC Cadena,  on Episode 1.  The series consist of 5 episodes, 5 to 6 minutes each, slated for January 2016.

 To find out more about Odell Ruffin and Ruffin Entertainment go to:

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

APRON : What is it for?

Well Guess what?  I've discovered what an apron is for.  It's to put
on before you cook or wash the dishes. That way your clothes don't get stained or wet.

I just discovered it because I just started wearing one.  It is the one I used for my role
in Clase A Medias.

So now that I have some time, I have started cooking breakfast and lunch and dinner.  And I've even taken some left overs with me.  Isn't that great.

The discovery was made one evening as I began to prepare dinner.  I had to wash the pile of dishes mounted on the sink.  I put on my apron, 'cause I said I was going to use this, since I have like 5 aprons I've never used, except in plays.  LOL.  I began to wash the dishes and when I was done I realized that my clothes weren't wet, like they usually get.  The apron had blocked my clothes and my clothes were dry as the summer in the desert.

So anyway, that is what an apron is for, boys and girls.  It is for protecting you from stains or water.

Now you can rest easy.  I've answered the question that keeps you up at night. APRON: What is it for?

Friday, August 21, 2015

A New Business Strategy to Acting, Is it Time?

I have to start to think of a "new strategy" and approach to my business, Acting.
At the beginning of the year it seemed whatever I was doing was working.  I was going out on an average of 3 auditions per week. I was stoked.  But somehow somewhere it changed.

My audition average is now twice a month.

I put the blame on my Agent.  Perhaps, I thought, I should have a conversation with him.

I did.  I followed the rule "the squeaky wheel gets the oil".  I scheduled conference calls and I set up times to meet.  I followed up with emails or text, because it's important to be on his mind so if he needs to recommend someone he will think of me.

To date I haven't seen a change but at least I know I'm on his mind.

But the truth is, as many as my well known actor friends tell me, that this is usually the reality.  Starting actors get their own jobs before Agents are able to do the most for them.

I've been submitting a lot.  Most of the auditions I'm getting have been auditions I've gotten on my

So, what do I do, get a new agent.  Well NO!

I can't blame my agent for everything.   I mean,  I am responsible for my own success.  I haven't booked major roles, so I can't blame them for not investing all their time in me.  But of course I want him to very much.

My goal is to have my agent see me as a priority, where he is booking me for 4 Major Lead Roles a year.

So here is my current plan, submit submit and submit to all casting sites.  Or at least the ones that my budget can afford to pursue right now.  As I've stated this plan is not working and I think its time for a new business strategy.  I will focus mainly on casting directors that cast my type of roles.  I need to meet them - get to know them - and have them get to know me.  I have contacted a photographer for new head shots.  I am going to focus on this approach to see if this works.

Where are YOU with your current situation.  Is it working for you? If it is, great!  Keep doing that.

If it's not working, it's Time to Examine your business strategy. Review it, revise it and apply a new strategy!

Break a Leg, fellow actor mate.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

I Have Fallen in Love

This week has been tough on my Acting mojo.

My mother's birthday was August 9th.  She died in 2006 and
I can't get over it.  Every year I remember in some different
way.  Some years tougher than others.  And this year was really
tough for me.

It was a coincidence that I was invited to MC the Ecuadorian
Festival & Parade held at the historic Olvera street in
downtown LA (Placita Olvera).  The event just happened to fall on August 9th, my mother's birthday.   Here to for I had met some wonderful people from my country, my people.  Ecuador is where I was born!  In becoming a part of the Ecuadorian festival I was surrounded by love.  I met many new and supportive friends and we shared typical  Ecuadorian  music, dancing and food.  Everything I grew up with, which I miss so much.

I danced that day and celebrated everything that my mother
taught me and loved.

But, just as I am in turmoil, so are my people.  We are divided.  Our country is divided between social class and race.

That makes me sad.  Too much politics for such a small country.

I hope that in the future my country will come together by the
culture and agree on policy that benefits the country and not individual
groups.  We have so many wonderful resources, including me (*wink).

But regardless I have fallen in love.  I have fallen in love with my people
and our culture.  And about our history.  As an actress I am going to help
build and spread culture and diversity.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Do You Have a Support System?

What a summer thus far.  I feel I have been driving non-stop all over this 503 mi2 city, and way past its limits on either side.  

No matter how much time I have I always feel I'm hustling, still waiting for fruition.  I seem to have one switch and it's always "ON".

As I'm driving down the 101 North.  I'm on my bluetooth with a friend while tears are running down my face due to the pressure and stress of this Actor Land.   While we are talking  all I can think of is,  "how wonderful and beautiful these tears stream down my soft face. Can I replicate this moment, how can I use it on my next dramatic piece?"  (That is how I know I'm an actress!!!!!)   

The HEAT, figuratively and factually, has been waring on me and my car to say the least.  

The only way to maintain active and sane in LA one must have friends to turn to.  I have several confidants in case one is busy and I must share.  Find those people, life is not meant to be experienced alone.  At least not all the time.  

Do you have a support system? Why Not?  If you don't. Get one right away. 


I welcome comments or shares.  

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Second Guessing Yourself

I had an audition Saturday.  I had just heard about it the day before.  I saw the dialogue
which I had thought was only going to be 2 lines.  But I get there and I find out that surprisingly I'm auditioning for the lead character.  The Casting Director (CD) announces how happy he is we are all there because Jazz is the lead character and they have not found her yet.

The lead character - they haven't found her yet? And I haven't studied those lines.  That felt like pressure.  All of a sudden I looked around the room saw all the girls and they
were very pretty, skinny, tall, beautiful.  And among these girls I began to think, what the hell am I doing here? And I started to second guess myself.

I got soooo nervous. Luckily I had enough time to go twice to the bathroom.  I didn't even need to go,
I was just trying to get it together.  I was hopping I wouldn't embarrass the poor casting director who brought me in. OMG.  I was freaking out.

Ok fine.  I may not look like the rest of the girls.  But I am pretty,  I am unique and I have a killer attitude.

I learned my lines.  I walked in and I had fun.  I was totally there.
I even ended the scene just how I wanted to end it.  I felt the character and when I left the
casting room, everyone seemed to be energized by my performance.  It really gave me a boost. I was even like "that's right, here I am. It's all about me."  Just to let you know, that is what the character required.

And as soon as I was done I began to second guess myself again.  Did I fuck up?  Maybe, they were just saying nice things to say them since I had waited so long to audition.

A friend of mine noticed I often second guess myself.  I don't have a reason to do that but I do.  I have
to change that kind of thinking.

I can handle lead roles,  I can do them, and have them and  I am right to play leads.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Thank you Subconcious

I've been having this recurring dream.  In it I am unprepared for a performance.  I am nervous cause I know that I am not prepared.  In my dream I'm on the wings waiting to go on.

This dream bothers me.

I mean the worst feeling possible is the feeling of not being prepared.
I'm wondering if this dream talks about my past experiences? Is there somehow I have not been prepared.

In life? At work?

Does my subconscious think I haven't been prepared for past performances?

Or is it an omen for a future project.  Because I really would not want it to be.

Or is it a warning.  I have to be careful and make sure I give time to my scripts.

I think my subconscious is trying to give me practical advice.  I will heed the message.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Messy Me

I am a "project girl".  I get involved in projects.  The more I have the better. I balance my hectic
schedule as perfect as I can.  But something gives.  My room.  Right now my room looks
like a closet.  And I'm not kidding.   There are clothes everywhere.  My Jewelry is everywhere.
There are dirty clothes mixed with clean clothes.  I have no casual clothes left.  All I have
Helpful Robot
are dressy stuff. So I guess that is why I'm always looking my best.  Because I'm too lazy to clean my room.

I watched Chapie the other day.  And one of the supporting characters had built a robot that cleaned his place.  OMG. This is what I need.  A robot that would love to clean my room. Who and where can I call to buy it.  Anyone????

I thought I would be creative and draw my helpful robot.  This is me being an artist, my helpful robot.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

When the going gets tough, the tough get going

When the going gets tough, the tough get going
I had been feeling so overwhelmed recently.  I just finished my play, where I played the lead in Clase A Medias.  I finished an infomercial.  I also shot a couple of shorts.  I've been feeling anxious.  And honestly,  I've had a few anxiety attacks.  Also I just finished a stage reading. All of these require heavy emotional commitment.
I am open to that.

After speaking with a close friend, he and I both suggested I needed to take a break.  My emotions were completely out of whack.  Friends don't understand sometimes what it means to be an actor.  Its a blessing.  And its emotional!

I really thought that was the answer - to take a break.  Not to submit to castings ... no classes ... and ...  I was actually going to this.  Then suddenly I thought, what am I doing?  This has happened to me before. And what do I do, I almost give up.  I am giving it up, by slowly taking a break, when things get a little bit tough.

You say, "oh come on JC. Its just a little break".  Well that is how it starts.  Its a little break that could  become a routine and then years could by when I don't follow through with my passion.  I don't want this to happen to me again.  So experience has taught me that this is not the time to take a break!

Just when I made that decision wouldn't you know a friend of mine called and gave me the lead on his short film.  I had worked with him in the past.  And then I got two paying gigs.  So my decision was the right one.

Of course I can always take a break but when I plan to and not when things get tough.  Remember, when the going gets tough, the tough get going.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day

I have a great relationship with my Father, now as an adult.  We talk every week, he lives in Virginia and I live in California.  He has been very supportive of my acting career choice.
He has endured my endless questions about why things happened in the past.  I am happy to have such a great relationship with him.

I know I'm a real diva sometimes, but he has endured all my breakdowns.

Happy Father's Day, Dad and Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there.

Love Ya.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Acting is about Discoveries

Acting is about discoveries.  I had the opportunity to apply for the Sherwood Award in which I answered a few questions about me.  I felt so passionate about it, I feel I also wanted to share it with you my readers.  You need to know this about me.  I made a few discoveries writing about myself which I loved to find.  Here they are.

When I was a child I was influenced by Mexican cinema. In Virginia I was influenced by American television.  In California my influence came from Mexican playwrights. My first opportunity on stage was from a local director named Gonzalo Garcia in a comedic role in a two-act play titled “Guele a Gas” (Smells like Gas). I went on to work with this director in 5 different plays all from Mexican playwrights.  And recently I returned to work with him in “Clase a Medias”, by Jorge Galvan where I play the lead, Gudelia. Though I am not Mexican these projects provided me with an opportunity to soak up all this culture I was missing and yes be influenced by its playwrights.

JC Cadena  - As Gudelia in Clase A Media

However, I felt I was still missing the history of theatre, a technique.  In 2012 I attended American Academy of Dramatic Arts in Los Angeles.  For two years I focused on my craft.  I learned about the Theatre of Ancient Greece, Egyptians, Moliere and Shakespeare. I fell in love with the art.

I found my voice, in a peculiar place, between classical playwrights such as Shakespeare and contemporary types, like Mexican playwright Jorge Galvan. 
This is what makes me unique, makes me different.  No one else can express and emote the way I can.  No one else can guide you through an experience in theatre like I can.  I am a catalyst, a vessel, through me the truth is told, I give myself freely to pass culture down to a new generation.  That is my agenda to teach culture through theatre.  To cry the tears of those who could not shed one drop of emotion.  To give myself freely to expose the truth, to let the waves of emotion guide you, safely back to shore.    

*Goodbye "Gudelia"  you were critiqued by many, no one understood you, but you touched their heart.  You were great.  

Saturday, June 13, 2015

What's Next

Everyone is asking me what's next after the play, Clase A Medias is over.
The play will be over on Sunday June 14th, 2015.

I am sad the play will be over.  It has been challenging.
It has been insightful.  It has been rewarding.  I'm sad, but I'm ready to move on.

What's next, here is a list of of what's next for those of you are inquiring.

-Deadline for Sherwood Award Application

-Shoot Bus Stop
-Rehearsal for Stage Reading
-Early birthday celebration

June 18th Birthday Celebration

- Stage Reading  & Audition

- Audition

-Performance Stage Reading
-Shoot True Love

I will be spending my birthday in the happiest place on earth.  Yes. I can't wait.

I'm so exhausted.  I need one day for relaxing and having fun.  Just fun.  not fun with acting.
But I just need one day.  After that I will replenish enough to go at it again.

Push harder, push forward, strive, persevere, fight, ACT.

p.s.  you are all invited Tuesday June 23rd 7 p.m.  If the Shu fists  - stage reading.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Taking Criticism Like a Champ

JC Cadena as Gudelia at the Frida Kahlo Theater
Taking Criticism Like a Champ

It is difficult to take criticism like a champ sometimes.  Its difficult to hear it.  Colleagues pointing out my mistakes. When in honesty, their cues to me were incorrect.  Trust me I can start pointing out people's mistakes.  But that is not what its all about. I know the mistakes I've made.  I know them.  I heard them and I more than anyone else is extremely, painfully beating myself up for it.

Time and time again I hear these comments, even at the rehearsal process. Rehearsal is had for the discovery of the character.  At least that is my tactic, that is how I work.

Its very disappointing for hear a fellow actor time and time again walk straight pass me and talk about my performance.  Really, you are talking about my performance and what I did wrong.  I'm very happy you are looking at my performance.  But shouldn't you really look at your own personal performance.  Trust me I'm looking at mine.

JC Cadena as Gudelia 
After every play, I go home and I dissect what went wrong and how I can fix it.   I have to tell you mistakes are sometimes fun.  But of course my goal is to have the most amazing performance, mistakes and all ( if any).

The personal toll that this criticism takes on me, hits my heart.  Like an arrow, straight through it.   Its hard not to think that there is something wrong with me.  Its sad that this is the way I must work with some actors.

Its not fun being the odd man out.  Then all the other actors start bonding over "expectations." Its so difficult to not be part of this complaining group.  I have to distance  myself from this and in turn I have to distance myself from people.  I have to 1) focus on my performance 2) i'm the lead, so i have to keep the rhythm of the play 3) keep moving, get up move and the lines easily flow.

But I have to learn to take criticism and take it for what it is.  I can grow from it.  It fuels me, it makes me work harder.  It makes me see people for who they really are.  It makes me a better person, a better actor and a better friend.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Staying On Track

I have begun to meditate with  Company Logo 10 day actor challenge.
I am very much enjoying the time I spend meditating.  The daily exercise, starts with breath control at and is very relaxing.  Next, is a guided meditation link .  Meditation has been less than 10 minutes thus far on a specific topic.  Followed by a writing exercise on the same topic as the guided meditation.  There is no pressure to come up with any answer  on the topic, but anything is welcomed that may pop as an answer or not.  A focus on locating where that emotion lies, is an added reflection.  

I have noticed that since I started the challenge, I feel better the next day.  I mediate at 11:20 p.m.. I am looking up more.  I'm noticing the sky.  The clouds. I notice their shape and beauty.  I feel better about myself.  And it requires like 20 minutes of my time. Not any time at all for someone like me.

As a result of this new discipline I have also began to draw, yesterday I did one of my first pieces of
art titled  "ANGER".  I really enjoyed putting it down on paper.  I just started and I am happy with what I have accomplished as my first master piece.  It shows the emotion of anger and how it can be healthy to express in some ways it can be destructive in others.  Yet even at its more  chaotic state its beautiful to watch.

All circles represent thought and the coils within them or around them are spinning on that thought.  As you can see these circles are everywhere.  That is anger to me.

I highly recommend The BGB Studio 10 Day Challenge.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

respect our individual talents and levels. No one else will.

I find myself around some folks that are all about dropping names.  They have worked with this person and that person and they have done this play and that play.  And they have read this play and that play.  And then they turn and criticize others on their work on stage.  Without finding out what background that other person may have.  I feel that no matter what.  There has to be a mutual respect for all actors within actors.  If we don't respect our individual talents and levels.  No one else will.

I find myself guilty of doing this and  to my defense only after hearing comment after comment on my character.  I too have a boiling point.  I am upset with myself that I even fell into this trap.  I am not like anybody else I am unique.  I am different than you and you are different than me.  That is what makes us all special.  But I do have to stay away from people that are this way.  I don't want to be a part of it.  So what does this make me now, weird, hard to work with.

I have found myself waiting a long time for the cast to arrive, each one arriving one after the other.
And I of course than issimilate this behavior.  I catch myself and put myself on track.  I have to remind myself that over and over I have to be there on time.  And even if I get labeled,  I must rehearse.  People don't let me finish my lines before they are spitting them at me.  I am so frustrated.  I need to think my lines through. I am the character I need to know why I am doing what I am doing.

I have to get myself out of this mind frame.  Because I have to perform the way I know how.  The way I was taught and the way in which I learned in my experience.  I love to do this.  This is me.
I tell stories, I am a storyteller.  I am a catalyst for art.  I am your movement.  I am the story.

One thing this has done is ignite my fire.  Thank you very much for that. I know I am the best on what I do for sure now.  For sure.  

Thank you Baby Jesus.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


I am one of the luckiest girls I know.  I can't tell you how my day is filled with joy and exciting times.
If you are just reading this blog today, Adventures in Actor Land is about my life and what I am passionate about, Acting.  My day begins with happiness and throughout my day the butterflies fill my ears with good and happy thoughts.  I am a playful and most of the time a happy person.  I am creative so I make up stories and I like to talk, communicate, express myself.  I am of course dramatic because, HELLO, I am an actress.  So drama comes along with me.  If you are up for that you are in the right place.

I like to share my experiences in hopes that whatever creative endeavor you are pursuing you will reach, and perhaps I can share an experience along the way that will help you, WIN!.  And I do encourage you to follow your dreams.  I am.

I am surrounded by beautiful people who support and encourage me.  Which means a lot to me.  Its been hard to acknowledge I am a creative being.  Finally realizing that I am creative,  is scary but rewarding.

I require lots of sleep and time to think.  I like to think a lot.  My brain races a million times a minute, or at least very very very fast.

I am in a play called Clase A Medias at the Frida Khalo Theatre in Los Angeles.  You are invited, art trancends all language barrier.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sweet Memories - Best Mom Ever

Sweet Memories

by JC Cadena

As I write this I can't help but become overwhelmed with emotion. Today I remember, not the pain, hurt or loss, but my mother's love and the joy we shared together.  Though she may not have said the words “I love you” before she left, the universe reminded me that she loved me everyday.

I stopped acknowledging Mother's Day when I lost my mother to ovarian cancer. Mother’s Day had become a reminder of her suffering and my loss, so in protest, I declined any invitation to celebrate the day. Instead, I curled up on the couch with my favorite blanket and the company of my dogs.

One morning, a few days before Mother's Day, I had breakfast with a friend in Hollywood at a comfy, spacious 1950's beststyle cafe that had mirrors along the wall.
Breakfast was delish, portions were large and beyond sufficient. Done. I put my sunglasses on. I sat there with my Hollywood attitude, impatient, waiting for the check, but still glancing at the dessert menu.

The restaurant made cupcakes fresh daily.  “Das Cupcake,” a German cupcake called out to me. The waiter informed us we had to wait five minutes because the cupcakes had just come out of the oven and they needed to cool down. “Fresh out of the oven, sold!” I thought.

When Das Cupcake arrived, I eagerly split the cupcake down the middle. Half for my friend and the other half with the German-Chocolate-Cupcakes-1pecan  for me. I took my first bite into the most amazing cupcake; the chocolate, the coconut frosting, the heavenly clouds of soft delicate flavor! As I finished, I bit down on the last single pecan that adorned the cupcake.  Instantly, I was reminded of my mother. This cupcake had her spirit, her heavenly complexion, her soft delicate nature and her honest and giving attitude. I was transported to a time when my family was happy and together.   My mother had taken my two sisters and me to a cafĂ© similar to the one I was sitting in. We sat in a booth and shared the biggest chocolate German cake three little girls had ever seen. My mother was young and healthy and we were happy.  I had forgotten that my mother always brought home German cake and how much I loved it.   I thought I loved it because a child loves sugary sweets. But now years later, I realize that I loved this German cake because my mother took great pleasure expressing her love with food.  At that moment, I felt like the most loved person in the entire universe.

My mother cooked fresh, healthy, delicious food for me everyday. How I miss my mother and her cooking. I went home and cried, remembering all the sweet memories instead of the pain. I remembered she was the best Mom ever.

Today, I celebrate Mother's Day for all the mothers who love and nurture their children.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Prepping to Memorize Script

The next information is from several sources. Those sources are: education I received at The American Academy of Dramatic Arts;  lessons learned from Hermine Hilton - America's Memory Motivator; and my personal overall experience on memorizing text, specifically script.

There are so many things an actor must do in order to perform to the utmost.  Primarily, the actor must prep to memorize text.  Many actors neglect to prep and end up running memorized lines as wrote and without any emotion and without any meaning.  This is not to say the actor may not eventually get to the emotional performance required by the text.  It may happen.  But we are not here to be eventual type actors.  We are here to BE the Best of the Best right now.

In Prepping to Memorizing Script,  an Actor must:

1) Read script without prejudging the character
JC Cadena - Actress
2) Research names, terms and dates mentioned
3) List how other characters speak about your character
4) List what your character says about your character
5) Research Author

The five steps above will lead you to this next crucial point - You must understand and comprehend all that your character is saying.

Remember  the author thought of every little detail when writing the story.  Understanding the meaning with in the lines gives you a naturally beautiful moment of discovery at the early stages of rehearsal.  With practice this will enable you to walk right into the character's emotion.

If you are still not clear about some meaning in the character's speech or actions, the director is always your script friend.  Don't be timid about asking for direction.

Once you have prepped you can now begin to memorize your lines.

On my next blog, I will cover,  memorizing - the process.  I'll will share with you some helpful hints toward a memorization flow, with mimimal stress.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Social Media Etiquette: Like for Like, Follow for Follow, Delete for Delete

There has to be some kind of "social media etiquette " over all of our current waves of communication. I am suggesting one:  Like for Like, Follow for Follow, Delete for Delete.!

In today's social media phenomena everyone is still figuring out how it all works.  How to become the next social media sensation.  It seems, in order to succeed, it requires; timing,  familiarity with each media platform, and an honest product and a genuine
Justin Bieber @JustinBieberRoast @ComedyCentral 
demeanor.  You have to win your audiences by content.  Not by your nudie pictures.  However most people are more concerned with numbers and averages.  That seems to now become the name of the game.  How many numbers, friends do you have on FB, or Twitter, how many on Instagram, YouTube. What are your averages, what is your fame value, likes per page, acclaim value, etc, etc, etc.

A lot of people are just concerned with numbers. Scenerio: They will like you, you will like back. After a few days they will delete you.

These folks, "trolls", (in definition they are trolls since they are messing with you) are only concerned with how many people are following them or liking them or whatever.  You get my point. You are just a liability to them.

These trolls are not big celebrities, remember we are not talking about Justin Bieber here.  (He was found on YouTube.)  We are talking about people who count on the fact that most people won't delete them back, and in average most won't.  Until now.  My favorite little app right now is "Followers".  A free app.  It kindly tells you; all your trolly friends (not requited).  And guess what - little Trolly friend - if you have deleted me after you asked me to like you, I'll DELETE YOU.  Ha ha.  'Cause you are messing with my averages!

So, kids,  remember social media  etiquette:  Like for Like, Follow for Follow, Delete for Delete.
I will like you if you like me.  I will follow if you follow me and the big one ...  drum role please ...  I will delete you if you delete me.

Of course only until I become big and famous and only the true will survive.  *wink*

Friday, March 27, 2015

People Love a Sad Story

The Loss of Love is something we can all relate to.  It's life.  And I, like many others lost that love, often in the most dramatic ways.  These experiences have changed my life and possibly created a different outcome.  I have morned that loss.  And I have cried many times alone. Invisible tears.

I, however, have always worn a smile regardless of how I felt inside.  I didn't talk about my feelings
with anyone and "acted" as if whatever had transpired, this emotional failure, didn't bother me at all.  But it did, to a very high degree.  Other people saw this as a sign of uncaring on my part, even though most of the time someone had done harm to me.

I recall an experience.  My high school boyfriend and I attended a party with all our good friends, including my ex best friend who had cheated with my current  boyfriend (at that time).  It was an uncomfortable scene.

I did what I had to do, I partied to keep myself from the situation.  Of course after many drinks I had to go to the bathroom and, unlucky for me,  I ran into her.  Now,  this all happened very quickly; she started talking to me, grabbed me, pulled me into the bathroom and locked the door!!! Yes, the
bitch locked the door.  I was in disbelief.  I thought she was joking.  I tried to open the door.  She got in front of it and basically wrestled me away from the door. She was forcing me to talk to her.

And trust me, the only thing I was doing was sitting at one end of the restroom sofa. I was scared as fuck.  I hoped my silence would make her let me out,  ASAP.  I tried to remain calm, but inside I was screaming.  She talked at me for the longest time and to this day I can't really remember what she said. All I was concerned with was getting out.  I was suffocating.  I was anxious.  I was trying to keep from freaking out.

Finally she let me out !!! I, RAN OUT.

Guess what?  When I ran out everyone ran to her and asked her if, "she was ok."  As if I had forced her into that room and locked the door on her.  I had been so frightened while she held me hostage and so scared of what she could do to me.  Although she was the culprit, it was I who was later referred to as, calculating, bossy, flirty, and a tease.  I was so upset.  But of course I could not verbalize or show it.  Even my boyfriend didn't ask if I was ok. Everyone's attitude towards the "hostage" situation made me more upset.  I managed to ask him to take me home.

I suffered the betrayal but because I didn't react, everyone blamed me
for everything.

I have always been the second smallest everywhere I've gone. People have always tried to bully me.  Most of the time I've managed to stand up for myself.

I can't tell you all of my sad stories,  but what I can tell you is,  I'm not my sad story.    I don't want a pity party.   I don't want that to define me though it is of course part of me.  Although at times I'll be misunderstood,  I stay strong, be a leader,  not too stubborn, not too naive and always be a good person.

Today I am a trained professional actress and today is my story, not my past not my bad experiences not my sad story.

 Regardless, I will always carry a smile.